It's been a few years since I found out about my secret daughter and admitted to myself that I love her mother. Even though we signed papers at City Hall, Emrys I had a ceremony simply to celebrate with our family a few years later.
Mom and Dad have grown older in the years following.
Mom and Dad have grown older in the years following.
Mom's still writing. She's published a bazillion books by now. Her most popular series is about a couple of secret agents who save the world while making it on time to their children's soccer games. I have no idea where she gets her inspiration from.
Dad's retired from the Agency. Before retiring he established a training school where we take in older teens and young adults to begin teaching the skills needed for jobs as bodyguards and investigators.
Amy's amazing. She's moved on from the violin to the piano. She loves music and has begun writing her own songs. Nothing that would get recorded today but she's got a future ahead of her.
Saffron finally wore our parents down and they bought her a giant microscope for her birthday. She's all science. Dad and I are just breathing easy that no boy has turned her head yet, so we've not had to put the fear of us into them. Sadly, it's only a matter of time.
After her uncle's arrest Emrys pulled out of the company completely. Her whole purpose in the Agency was to gather the evidence needed to arrest her uncle. Emrys worked with Dad to set up and now she's running the School. She's teaching the next generation of agents,
As for me, Hunter and I run the Agency now. He handles the fieldwork and supervising the agents out in the field while I've taken over the day to day office work. I meet with clients and filter through the information we collect with our techie agents.
It's not what I thought I would be doing as a teen with big dreams of outer space but it gives me more time to spend with my wife and daughter. Besides if I ever get the urge to go out to space again I can grab my girls and take off in the old rusty rocket I built as a teen.
Random Ramblings
So generation 2 has officially finished. I'm gonna take a publishing break until the beginning of March to write the story for generation 3. Saffron, Amy and Shana need to grow up before I can start the next story. But I'm doing a rotation play with another family whose story I am writing too.
You can check out the Drimagard's story until then.