Friday, January 23, 2015

Chapter 2.23: To Be a Father

     Ochre was in awe when she smiled at him though it was more wistful than happy.

     "The past is past Ochre, it can't be changed.  I came to talk about what you want to do in the future."

     "I haven't had anything to eat today.  Let me make something and we can talk while we eat."

     He led her towards the bar and settled her on the stool.

     "Since when do you cook?" she asked as he walked around to the fridge.

     "You say that like I don't have any skills to take care of myself," he said.

     She smirked at him but didn't say anything.

     He laughed, "a salad isn't that hard to throw together."

     "It's not high cuisine but it's nutritious," he said placing a bowl in front of her when he finished.

     "Thank you," Emrys said, eating her salad.

     "What do you want to talk about," Ochre asked.

     "What type of relationship do you want to have with Amy?"

     Ochre frowned at her question, "she's my daughter Em.  I want to be her father."

     "Look Ochre," she sighed putting down her fork, "I don't want to deny you a chance to get to know Amy but I don't want to put her in a position where she is always waiting for you to drop in when it's convenient."

     "You know my transport business takes me out on long hauls.  It's not going to make me any less a part of her life."

     "But it already has Ochre.  If you'd been here for any length of time in the last five years all of this might have come out already."

     "Or it might not have.  Despite the timing I always thought it was just a coincidence and your ex was her dad.  I never questioned it before."

     "I just want your promise that you will make an effort to spend more time in town for her.  If you want to be a dad, what's best for Amy comes first.  Not whatever is convenient for us."

     "I get it Em.  I've stopped traveling since dad pulled me in to help with your case."

     "And when it's done?  What will you do once we've saved my mom and brother and my uncle's been arrested?"

     "I don't know.  Let's get through this first, then we'll see.  Okay?"

     "Sure," Emrys sighed sadly.

Random Ramblings

   So I've entered slightly uncharted territory.  All my musings about this generation have focused on the previous two/three chapters so now I'm just writing and taking pictures for the story as it just comes to me.

   How's it coming so far?

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