Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chapter 2.1: A New Generation

     Emrys' mom had the radio on while she cooked dinner for when her dad came home.  While she was cutting up the food she sang along,

"I'm lookin' out the window
Happy just watching my world go
And I think to myself
How lucky can a girl be"

     Emrys loved listening to her mom sing.  At night her dad would play guitar while she sang.  It was Emrys' favorite time of day because everyone was together and happy.  It was perfect.

     "Hurry princess the clock is going to strike midnight.  You need to leave before the carriage turns back into a pumpkin," Emrys said picking up the toy carriage and placing it behind the toy horse.

     The door opened and Emrys looked up.

     "Dad," she squealed when her father walked in the door.  She dropped her toys and jumped up to run over and give him his welcome home hug.

     "How was school, princess," he asked hugging and kissing her cheek.

     "Good.  Mrs. Katser gave back the spelling tests today and I was the only one who got all of them right."

     "Good for you.  You studied hard for that test."

     "Dinner's almost ready if you'll wash up Kaleb.  Emrys can you set the table?"  Mom called from the kitchen.

     "Okay Mom,"  Emrys said going to pick up the plates from the counter and putting them on the table.

     As Dad passed Mom at the stove he stopped and pulled her into a hug.  Mom laughed and gave him a kiss before shooing him over to the kitchen sink, smiling she went back to cooking.

     Mom always smiled when Dad kissed her.

     Everyone ate tacos while Emrys told them about her trip to the park with her friends afterschool.  They laughed at all the funny things and asked her about her friends.

     After dinner Emrys took her bath and put on her pajamas.  While she was brushing her teeth she heard her Dad tune his guitar.  "Wait," she squealed, "I'm coming."

     Mom laughed when she came running out of the bathroom.

     "Come here Emrys," Mom said.

     Dad smiled as Emrys walked over to her mom.  Mom wiped some of the paste Emrys must have missed off her cheek.

     "We wouldn't have started without you, Princess," Dad said strumming the guitar.

     "But I didn't want to miss a single second," Emrys said, already swaying to the music he played.

     Mom sang while Dad played and Emrys danced.

     "Okay, Emrys. Time for bed," Mom said standing up when Dad finished his tenth song.

     "Aww, Mom," Emrys whined.

     "Listen to your mom, Emrys," Dad said firmly.

     Emrys ducked her head and mumbled, "yes Dad."

     Emrys walked over to her dad as he put the guitar down.  "Goodnight Daddy," she said opening her arms for her hug.

     "Goodnight Princess," Dad said giving her a kiss.

     Mom tucked her into the bed and kissed her head, "Good night my littlest love."

     "Goodnight Mom.  I love you," Emrys yawned.

     As soon as Mom closed the door Emrys climbed out of the bed and crawled over to the door.

     Opening it a crack she looked out and watched Mom and Dad snuggle on the couch.  Then Dad looked over Mom's head and saw her.

     "Into bed Princess," he said.

     Mom turned and seeing her at the door, she stood up.  "Emrys," she began, when someone knocked at the door.

     "I'll get it.  You put Emrys to bed," Dad said.

     "Come on baby," Mom said walking toward Emrys.

     There was a loud boom as the front door slammed open.  Mom turned toward the front door.  "Kaleb," Mom yelled.  Emrys couldn't see what was happening.

     "What are you doing?" Dad sounded confused when another, louder bang sounded.

     Mom turned around and slammed the bedroom door closed.  Then she pulled Emrys with her, climbing on the bed towards the window.

     "What's happening Mom," Emrys asked.

     She didn't answer.  Instead she picked Emrys up and started to push her out the window.  Emrys dropped onto the fire escape.

     "Remember the plan," Mommy whispered and pressed a kiss to Emrys' forehead before pushing the window closed and shutting the curtains.

      Emrys moved as quietly as she could and climbed up the stairs to the roof and the hideaway her parents had made in a storage shed.

     Just as she made it over the edge of the roof another loud bang and a crash sounded below her, like the window breaking.  As the glass trinkled down to the ground below, Emrys dropped to her knees with her hands over her ears, biting on her lip until it bled so she wouldn't scream.

     It took her a moment but she started to crawl towards her hiding spot as quietly as possible.  She had to follow 'the plan' now.

Random Ramblings

   The start of the next generation.  I am waaaayy too into sad/gruesome beginnings.  First Rachael's mom is dead and now this.  Well, on to the next chapter.

   Oh and the song at the start is one of the verses from Jamie O'Neal's "I Love My Life".  It's one of my favorite songs and I thought it best described how the mom felt about her life.


  1. Wow! I can't wait to see what happens and am I supposed to know who they are? Sorry, I tend to forget names

    1. Not really. I don't say their names on purpose but it will be revealed next chapter.

  2. oh good, I was feeling bad about not recognizing them
