Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chapter 2.6: Vigilance is Vital

     Ochre collected his mail from the neighbor on the way to his house.  He kept the place for whenever he was in town so he could avoid staying at his parents house.

     He pulled the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.  He did a sweep of the house to make sure nothing had changed in his absence.  His dad had drilled it into him and the others growing up that not even home was safe and vigilance was vital in their line of work.

     He sorted through the mail pulling out the bills and tossing the rest.  He went to the kitchen and pulled out the fixings for grilled cheese sandwiches.

     He was grilling the sandwiches when his door opened.

     "Welcome home lover," she said walking in.  "How long have you been back in town?"

     "Just got back in this afternoon.  I'm making sandwiches.  Do you want one?"

     "Sure," she said.

     Ochre looked over his shoulder at Sienna.  "Everything all right?" he asked.

     "Of course," Sienna said walking up behind him and wrapping her arms around him.

     "You're gonna burn yourself," Ochre said pulling her arms off.

     He saw Sienna whenever he was in town.  She was a career oriented sim who didn't want a relationship anymore than he did.  Their's was a relationship of convenience.

     Or it had been, he thought putting two plates on the table.

     "So my boss is hosting a grand gala at the opening of the Kissing Llamas Lounge in Oasis Springs and I want you to come as my plus one," Sienna said.

     "When is it," Ochre asked when he tuned back in to her chatter.

     "Next Saturday night.  I told you already.  Are you feeling alright," she asked reaching across the table to put a hand on his forehead.

     Ochre pulled back, "I'm fine Sienna.  I don't think I'll be able to make it.  I have plans with my mom and dad at their house while I'm in town."

     He stood up and carried their empty plates to the sink to wash later.

     "Well that's too bad.  I'll let everyone know you're sorry to miss it," Sienna said.

     "Right," Ochre nodded absently.

     "Should I call you a cab?" he asked walking toward the front door.

     "I thought I would stay the night," Sienna pouted.

     "Not tonight.  I have some work I need to finish," Ochre growled, feeling annoyed at her childish display.

     Sienna looked away at his show of temper.  After mumbling something about calling a cab herself she walked out the door.

     Ochre checked the locks and turned off the lights before going to his home office.

     He turned on the computer and logged into the Agency network.  He browsed through recent cases his family handled trying to figure out why Emrys had been at the bar yesterday.  Because it wasn't just for the bounty.

Random Rambling

   I think I have a handle on the whole switching between viewpoints now.  I think it's easier to do it chapter by chapter though.  I'm just gearing up to run with the story.

   The Kissing Llamas Lounge was made by RachelRosebud.  I needed a lounge for my gala reopening and I loved the lounge she made.  I will have so much fun exploring it with my sims once I'm ready to run on with my family (after this story ends). You can read her blog here  RachelRoseBud.

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